The man who has withdrawn from the world in order to shake off his own burden of sins, should imitate those who sit outside the city amongst the tombs, and should not discontinue his hot and fiery streams of tears and voiceless heartfelt groanings until he, too, sees that Jesus has come to him and rolled away the stone of hardness from his heart, and loosed Lazarus, that is to say, our mind, from the bands of sin, and ordered His attendant angels: Loose him from passions, and let him go to blessed dispassion. Otherwise he will have gained nothing.
- The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 1: On Renunciation of the World
Do you have a notebook for taking down quotes from Holy Fathers in your reading? Do you always have a book of Holy Fathers that you are reading and can turn to in a moment of gloom? Start now—this is essential!
+ Blessed Seraphim (Rose) of Platina
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Full wraparound print
5.75" x 8" (14.6 cm x 20.3 cm)
150 lined pages (75 sheets)
Matte finish
Casewrap binding
Note: 0.5"x0.5" production barcode visible on the back cover