To have the keys to something signified among the Jews to receive authority over something. Thus, "the keys of hell [or hades] and of death" signify authority over the death of the body and the soul.
- Archbishop Averky
Christ has authority over hell and death in that He Himself tasted of death in the body and descended to hell in His soul after death (1 Peter 3:19), but in His resurrection gained victory over both. The Divine services of the Orthodox Church are full of this teaching; for example, "O Lord our Savior, Who has taken hell captive and trampled on death..." (Octoechos, Tone 5, Sunday Vespers, "Lord I have cried").
+ Blessed Seraphim (Rose) of Platina
Do you have a notebook for taking down quotes from Holy Fathers in your reading? Do you always have a book of Holy Fathers that you are reading and can turn to in a moment of gloom? Start now—this is essential!
+ Blessed Seraphim (Rose) of Platina
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Full wraparound print
5.75" x 8" (14.6 cm x 20.3 cm)
150 lined pages (75 sheets)
Matte finish
Casewrap binding
Note: 0.5"x0.5" production barcode visible on the back cover